Published: 15 June 2023
Author(s): Shuai Li, Lin Gao, Haowen Gong, Longxiang Cao, Jing Zhou, Lu Ke, Yuxiu Liu, Zhihui Tong, Weiqin Li
Issue: October 2023
Section: Original article

Acute pancreatitis (AP) has become a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder over the past few decades, with a growing impact on healthcare [1,2]. While most patients with AP experience mild symptoms and fully recover, some may face recurring attacks of AP and ultimately develop recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP), leading to chronic pancreatitis (CP) or even pancreatic cancer with repeated episodes [3,4]. Furthermore, previous research has shown that RAP can result in a decrease in the physical, and mental aspects and quality of life of patients, even if there are no overt changes associated with CP [5].


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