Published: 14 January 2015
Author(s): Marcos Pajarón, Manuel F. Fernández-Miera, Iciar Allende, Ana M. Arnaiz, Manuel Gutiérrez-Cuadra, Manuel Cobo-Belaustegui, Carlos Armiñanzas, Jose R. de Berrazueta, Maria C. Fariñas, Pedro Sanroma, on behalf of the Hospital Valdecilla Endocarditis Study Group
Section: Original Article

The safety and efficacy of treatment of infectious endocarditis (IE) was evaluated within a program of hospital-in-home (HIH) based on self-administered outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (S-OPAT). IE episodes (n=48 in 45 patients; 71% middle-aged males) were recruited into the HIH program between 1998 and 2012. Following treatment stabilization at the hospital they returned home for HIH in which a physician and/or a nurse supervised the S-OPAT. Safety and efficacy were evaluated as mortality, re-occurrence, and unexpected re-admission to hospital.


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